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How much sleep do we need?
This differs among people, there are no standardized normative requirements. The need for sleep depends on age, gender, season and the level…
More people suffer from sleep problems than originally assumed
🇬🇧 This is what modern smart watches like Apple Watch or Garmin (or other products) tell us. A study by the Brigham and Women’s Hospit…
How snoring affects your cardio-circulatory system
🇬🇧 Snoring means a grievous disturbance of your sleep rhythm. This disruption has negative effects on your heart, the blood pressure, your b…
Sleep and work-life balance
How does our rhythm of labour influence our sleep? Why are shift work and irregular working hours so desastrous for snoring and sleep breath…
Keep your love alive despite snoring
A good advice: Before you start a new relationship, you should definitely sleep with the new partner for a few times – and with “sleep…
How to deal with snorers…
Specially at Christmas we spend closer time with our families and also in the marriage bed. This makes us more likely to notice our partner&…
Choosing the correct sleep position
How do we sleep best, on the stomach (prone), on the back (supine), on the side? What is important when thinking of the proper sleeping posi…
10 snoring tricks we recommend to you
Don’t let snoring ruin your relationship or a good night’s sleep. Learn some effective remedies and new ways to get your sleep back. 1. Turn…
The 3 origin locations of Snoring
Snoring is usually caused by muscle weakness in the mouth and throat. The soft tissues collapse during sleep, obstructing the flow of breath…
Snoring is bad for health
The longer and louder a person snores, the greater the long-term risk of stroke. Snoring and sleep apnoea lead to high blood pressure and la…
Don’t drink and sleep!
How do alcohol and pharmaceuticals affect your sleep? Everyone has made the experience that alcohol promotes and increases snoring – t…
Owl or Lark?
🦉 Your free online consultation What kind of sleep type are you? Are you a night bird, like an owl? Or are you an early riser (and early sle…
Letʾs talk about dreams.
Your next free online consultation: August 1, 2022, 8pm. “A dream itself is but a shadow.”Hamlet – Shakespeare Sweet dreams are made o…
Your Questions, Dario’s Answers.
What exactly does a logpedic therapist do? We handle all impediments involving speaking and language, communication and its deviations, as…
SnoreFree App Review May 2022
by Daria Sauline – May 20, 2022 Nowadays an extended number of people suffer from snore issues. Do you want to eliminate sn…
Exceptionally quiet at night
Interview by Sanne Stria, SLP & speech trainer at in German. Snoring – Phew! This nighttime disturbance is… Best for Sleep Apnea and Snoring: SnoreFree
Attention, snorers: Did you know there are certain mouth and throat exercises that improve nighttime breathing? According to a June 2020 stu… The enemy in your own bed?
The night is anything but quiet for many people who share a bed with a snoring partner. If your night’s rest is suffering because your…
Do women really snore less than men?
Thinking of snoring, the first idea is “only men do this” – but is that true? Why is snoring such a taboo among women? Wom…
Nuevo en español – Major Update
We are pleased to announce the implementation of the Spanish language. 🇪🇸 🇨🇺 🇺🇲 🇲🇽 🇵🇷 🇬🇹 🇭🇳 🇵🇦 🇨🇷 🇻🇪 🇪🇨 🇪🇦 🇧🇴 🇨🇱 🇵🇾 🇺🇾 🇩🇴 🇵🇪 This major upda…
Happy Valentine’s Day
Love is when someone is suddenly more important to you than yourself. Impress your Love with some Snore Free Nights. Happy Valentine’s…
Press info: For more harmony in the bedroom
SnoreFree® Health App – Training instead of surgery Snoring is not a harmless thing and affects both sexes and all age groups. Especia…
Press info: Christmas season in snoring mode
According to Google Trends, the search term “snoring” peaks worldwide around the Christmas holidays. During the holidays, when t… Yes, snoring can be trained away with special exercises
At Christmas, people snore significantly more than the rest of the year and Google searches for “snoring” literally explode duri…
Free online Consultation
Due to numerous requests, SnoreFree offers now the opportunity to consult the co-founder of the SnoreFree Dario, FREE of charge for an onlin…
OSA Risk of COVID-19 Infection & Hospitalization
OSA patients have 4 times the risk of hospitalization for COVID-19 infection, and the risk of infection increases 8-fold, according to a stu…
Snorers are at greater risk
than overweight, smokers or people with high cholesterol. Researchers at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit have found that snorers are at great…
New update is out!
SnoreFree can be downloaded for free and offers 4 exercises free of charge. Since some of the exercises shown require various utensils, Snor…
Risk and danger of surgical snoring therapy
There is a huge amount of surgical efforts to treat snoring and sleep related breathing obstructions.Depending on the form and way of operat…
New update is coming
The new SnoreFree update with amazing new features is about to be released very soon!What’s new: Coming soon – stay tuned & sleep … This app is supposed to train away snoring
Snoring affects 2.5 billion people worldwide. Snoring noises impair the quality of sleep and thus health – but above all, snoring can … A thing exclusively for snoring noses
It is highly unpleasant for the person next to you in bed. But for the sufferers themselves, it is detrimental to their health: snoring. Sig…
The root cause of snoring
Why we snore. Snoring is almost always caused by muscular weakness in the neck and throat. The tissue slackens and blocks the airw…
Just as you make your bed, so you sleep in it.
Choosing the right bed is a complex matter. Our tips provide peace of mind. Back well-being:The firmness of the mattress and the shape of th…
How snoring affects everyday life
Snoring is not a harmless thing, it affects both sexes and all ages. The sleep of the partner is disturbed by it, and snoring can also be a …
The eye sleeps too!
Beautiful dreams: A calm atmosphere and the right colours around the bed help our sleep quality. From invigorating to calming: the right col…
How loud is snoring?
That’s how loud is snoring! Look it up in the Guinness Book of Records: over 111 decibels, which corresponds to the volume of a jet pl…
Why are we actually dog-tired exactly when the sun finally laughs again and the flowers sprout? Nature awakens to new life – and we ju…
Get outside!
One of the best tips against spring fatigue, but also against sleep disorders is almost a classic: Be physically active, especially outdoors…
Well and healthy sleep
What promotes restful sleep is a science in itself. We are happy to help with this collection of tips. No-go on the bedside table The smartp…
DOT.magazine 057: Sweet dreams are made of this
SnoreFree – the first health app with logopedic anti-snoring video training ensures restful sleep and harmony in the bedroom under the…