Online Consultation

Every first Monday

Online Consultation / Past

How much sleep do we need?

This differs among people, there are no standardized normative requirements. The need for sleep depends on age, gender, season and the level…

Online Consultation / Past

More people suffer from sleep problems than originally assumed

🇬🇧 This is what modern smart watches like Apple Watch or Garmin (or other products) tell us. A study by the Brigham and Women’s Hospit…

Online Consultation / Past

How snoring affects your cardio-circulatory system

🇬🇧 Snoring means a grievous disturbance of your sleep rhythm. This disruption has negative effects on your heart, the blood pressure, your b…

Online Consultation / Past

Sleep and work-life balance

How does our rhythm of labour influence our sleep? Why are shift work and irregular working hours so desastrous for snoring and sleep breath…

Online Consultation / Past

How to deal with snorers…

Specially at Christmas we spend closer time with our families and also in the marriage bed. This makes us more likely to notice our partner&…

Online Consultation / Past

Choosing the correct sleep position

How do we sleep best, on the stomach (prone), on the back (supine), on the side? What is important when thinking of the proper sleeping posi…

Online Consultation / Past

Don’t drink and sleep!

How do alcohol and pharmaceuticals affect your sleep? Everyone has made the experience that alcohol promotes and increases snoring – t…

Online Consultation / Past

Owl or Lark?

🦉 Your free online consultation What kind of sleep type are you? Are you a night bird, like an owl? Or are you an early riser (and early sle…

Online Consultation / Past

Letʾs talk about dreams.

Your next free online consultation: August 1, 2022, 8pm. “A dream itself is but a shadow.”Hamlet – Shakespeare Sweet dreams are made o…

Online Consultation / Press / Science / Snoring facts

Your Questions, Dario’s Answers.

What exactly does a logpedic therapist do?   We handle all impediments involving speaking and language, communication and its deviations, as…

Online Consultation / Press

Free online Consultation

Due to numerous requests, SnoreFree offers now the opportunity to consult the co-founder of the SnoreFree Dario, FREE of charge for an onlin…

Everyone knows someone who snores

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