Snore free online consultation

Every first Sunday of the month

Your free online consultation with Dario Lindes, speech therapist (SLP), voice coach, snoring expert and co-founder of the SnoreFree app.

  • Every first ⏰ Sunday at 8pm (your local time)
  • Free of charge for everyone
  • Online in Google Meet

Next dates

  • April 7, 2024 (only for study participants)
  • May 5, 2024
  • June 2, 2024

Join here

Join via Google Meet here


Dario Lindes will answer all your questions about snoring, therapy and avoidance, healthy sleep and sleep hygiene, as well as general topics from speech therapy such as speech, voice, swallowing, jaw joint and tinnitus issues.


  • Root causes of snoring.
  • Anatomical reasons.
  • The SnoreFree method.
  • Clarifications and common mistakes.
  • Sleep hygiene.
  • Sleep disorders prophylaxis.
  • Healthy and restful sleep.

You might be also interested in

  • Speech therapy. 
  • Speech and language disorders.
  • Swallowing and voice disorders.
  • Prevention of respiratory infections.
  • Jaw relaxation. tinnitus and headache.
  • Eye relaxation and facial tension.


🇩🇪 Germany
Montag 20h, MEZ Wien-Berlin

🇪🇺 English EU
Monday 8 p.m, London time

🇺🇸 USA & Canada
Monday 8 p.m, Chicago time

🇦🇨 Australia & New Zealand
Monday 8 p.m, Sydney time

Data protection

This online consultation hour and all participants will not be recorded, no data will be preserved by SnoreFree without any consent.

Google Meet Link

Dial-up (sound only)
(AT) +43 1 22781111 PIN: 544 863 206#

Dario Lindes
Speech therapist (SLP), voice coach, snoring expert, inventor of the SnoreFree method and co-founder of the SnoreFree app.

If you want to ask some specific questions in advance or book an indivual face-to-face appointment with Dario, please write him a personal e-mail:

Doc service

For doctors, physicians and therapists: More information

Everyone knows someone who snores

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