SnoreFree Doc Service
SnoreFree is an Austrian start-up based in Vienna. It offers a unique Anti-snoring solution: an app with a singular logopedic mouth-throat training. The SnoreFree app is available since 2019 in English and German on iOS and android.
Our special „doc service“ (medical info supply) is meant for physicians, psychologists and psychotherapists, sleep coaches, speech therapists (SLP), physiotherapists, occupational therapists, breathing and respiratory therapists, osteopaths, medical masseurs and massage therapists, other body practitioners, medical technologists (medical technical assistants, clinical laboratory scientists), pharmacists, and nurses. The addressed profession groups shall be exclusively informed by this tool about the latest news and processes concerning SnoreFree, sleep, and snoring from perspective of ENT medicine.
The problem of snoring
Snoring is no harmless issue, you should not underestimate it! It is mainly caused by a muscular weakness (myofunctional insufficiency) in the oropharyngeal space (mouth-throat-pharynx): the tissues slacken and collapse in sleep and impede, obstruct the flow of breath, producing this typical vibration sound in the rear mouth area. In serious cases these congestions can lead to a dangerous sleep disorder syndrome called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): the oxygen level in the blood drops alarmingly, and sleep is disturbed and fragmentated by many subliminal micro arousal reactions leading to symptoms of reduced vigilance by day like constant tiredness and fatigue (with sleep attacks), concentration difficulties, loss of alertness and physical performance, memory impairment, and in the long run patients face an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure, heart attacks and stroke, and furthermore health problems like diabetes, obesity, depression, kidney damages, reduced immun defence, and for males erectile dysfunction (impotence). The life expectancy of heavy snorers with sleep apnea is on average diminished up to 10 years.
Snoring affects 40% of the males and 25% of the females, and even 10% of the children snore – these are in general over 2.5 billion people worldwide. In Germany alone there are estimated 22 million snorers, in the USA even more than 100 millions, 25 million of them suffer from obstructive sleep apnea in addition. Over 20 million partners of snorers lose two or more hours of sleep per night.
The SnoreFree method
SnoreFree is a very special myofunctional oral training coming from clinical speech-language therapy (logopedics). Practised since 15 years by Dario, speech therapist (US: pathologist, SLP) and SnoreFree co-founder, applying it to many hundreds of snoring patients with remarkable success.
SnoreFree tackles the snoring at its root cause: the weak, limp muscles in the throat and neck, which cause the constriction in the breathing channel. Like a voice training for singers and speakers SnoreFree builds up and strengthens these muscular structures in the pharynx so that they stay firm during sleep and keep the airway more open. An overview of international studies and research outcomes on positive influence on heavy snoring and sleep apnea (OSAS) by myofunctional therapy (oral muscle exercises) you can find in this link: …
SnoreFree Health App – your individual, smart and mobile oral gym solution against snoring
We developed the SnoreFree app basing on oral muscle training. The app is currently available in English, German and Spanish in the AppStore and PlayStore. The app contains 50+ easy-to-follow exercises, shown, demonstrated and detailedly explained in videos. A sophisticated algorithm creats a daily personalized training schedule for the user, a sample of 3-4 exercises, which are to be performed and practiced for about 10-15 minutes a day.
The entire SnoreFree workout program is divided in 4 levels, in order to convert an analogue face-to-face therapy into a digital format. First results can be seen after about 1-2 months of daily training. Up to 80% of our users observe a significant reduction of their snoring, many of them even a notable improvement of their sleep and life quality.
A basic edition of SnoreFree App can be downloaded for free in any app store. This cost-free limited trial version shows six exercises with a test training modus, for getting to know the SnoreFree product. To make use of the full SnoreFree program together with the daily personalized workout selection, we offer the following premium subscription models in-app:
1 month for € 9.99
3 months for € 26.99
12 months for € 89.99 – that´s the price for only 1 „live“ therapy session with a speech (or other) therapist.
And NEW: the SnoreFree „Life-Time” subscription for € 249.99 gives the customer a temporally unlimited access to all functions of the entire app.
Who are the users of the app?
Medical personnel:
- doctors, physicians: especially working (and researching) in the field of sleep medicine; for therapeutic aid and as a treatment support for sleep-related obstructive airway disorders with snoring sounds and/or respiratory blockages (OSAS)
- psychologists, psychotherapists: help for sleep-related mental problems (sensory weakness, vigilance, attention, alertness), sleep coaching, couple & relationship intervention, snoring-related partnership problems
- medical therapists: speech pathologist (logopedics), physiotherapist, occupational therapist; support in therapy of physiological respiratory problems (respiratory physiotherapy), improvement of patients’ breathing function
- other body therapists: respiratory & breathing therapy, all kinds of body practicioners (Shiatsu,
Rolfing, Trager, Grinberg, Feldenkrais, Alexander technique, Bioenergetics, Polarity, Rebalancing), - medical masseur
- osteopaths
- medical technologists: medical technical assistants, clinical laboratory scientists
- pharmacists: amplification and supplement to anti-snore product range
- nurses: improvement of oropharyngeal function (muscle strength, mobility) of patients, enhancement of breathing function during sleep, facilitation of patients’ swallowing performance (prevention of food aspiration)
- orthopedagogy, special needs educator/teacher
- voice & speech coaches/trainers
Patient group (according to ICD-10 code number):
R06.5 – (deviant) mouth breathing including snoring
CM R 06.83 snoring (rhonchopathy)
G47.31 – obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS)
Logopedic diagnosis:
Oropharyngeal / orofacial dysfunction, oropharyngeal tissue insufficiency, myofunctional pharynx insufficiency
Medical benefit and logopedic method
The myofunctional therapy MFT is a standard treatment technique in logopedics and speech therapy for handling oropharyngeal and/or orofacial dysfunctions (muscular weakness in mouth, throat and face area), which can in sleep manifest as slackening and collapse of the throat tissue, subsequently narrowing and occluding the upper air passage. Predominant symptom is snoring (sleep-related breathing noise), in severe cases a total airway blockage (obstructive sleep apnea OSA).
The SnoreFree app provides information about:
- Reasons and anatomy of snoring
- Further explanation and comments on the SnoreFree method
- Clarifications and add-on to particular SnoreFree exercises (with error correction)
- sleep hygiene, sleep prophylaxis (how to get & preserve healthy, restful sleep)
- What exactly is speech therapy about?
Do you have any questions or need a promo code to learn more about the SnoreFree app?
Please, send your request to: