Tips & Tricks

The eye sleeps too!

Beautiful dreams: A calm atmosphere and the right colours around the bed help our sleep quality.

From invigorating to calming: the right colours play a decisive role in determining how comfortable you feel, how stimulated or relaxed you are. Visual sensory impressions have an effect, even in perhaps the most important room in our home: the bedroom. We spend almost a third of our life in it, an average of seven hours per night.

Without the necessary peace and quiet in Morpheus’ arms, dreams don’t come true during the day either: if you sleep badly or too little, you not only look like an un-ironed shirt, you also become more susceptible to illness, lose performance and age faster. On the other hand, there is no herb, but at least there is a colour.

White, for example – even if it’s not really a real colour and in its pure form can also appear cold and sterile. Nevertheless, it still remains the best basis for a meaningful and sensual bedroom design. Because not all whites are the same, it clarifies and soothes the troubled mind in many nuances from mother-of-pearl to ivory to eggshell.

Creamy white, for example, has a hint of yellow, making it cosy and particularly well suited to a country house style interior. The best of white, in addition to its elegance and freshness? The endless possibilities for combining with other colours, accents and materials. It is particularly cosy and thus sleep-promoting, together with warm wood and dark caramel shades, while delicate natural colours in the bed linen also radiate peace and quiet.

Also the fact that non-colour in the Asian region stands for mourning should not scare us away. For there the human being is pure in death and closer to the divine. Whether as wall paint, for furniture or bed accessories – white wonders await us in the bedroom.

July 8, 2019

Everyone knows someone who snores

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