Effect of exercise training on subjective parameters in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: a systematic review and meta-analysis
2020, São Paulo, Brazil, Meta-Analysis, PMID: 32045849, Ozeas L Lins-Filho, Rodrigo Pinto Pedrosa, Jessica M L Gomes, Sandra L Dantas Moraes, Belmiro Cavalcanti Egito Vasconcelos, Cleidiel Aparecido Araujo Lemos, Eduardo Piza Pellizzer, -Source-
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has many effects on subjective parameters of the disease, such as reduction in quality of life (QoL), sleep quality (SQ), and increases in daytime sleepiness. Studies have reported the beneficial effect of exercise training on OSA severity; however, whether it improves subjective parameters remains unclear. The purpose of the present review was to investigate the effect of exercise training on QoL, daytime sleepiness, and SQ in adults with OSA by summarizing the results of clinical trials.
Exercise training significantly improved QoL (mean difference, 12.9 [95% confidence interval (CI) 6.4 to 19.5]) and SQ (mean difference, -2.0 [95% CI -3.6 to -0.5]), and reduced daytime sleepiness (mean difference, -3.7 [95% CI -6.1 to -1.2]), and OSA severity (mean difference, -11.4 [95% CI -13.4 to -9.4 events/h]). Thus, physical exercise training was effective in improving subjective parameters and reducing the severity of OSA. Additional randomized clinical trials, however, should be performed to confirm these findings.
December 7, 2022