How to cancel a subscription on Google Play?
Uninstalling the app will not cancel your subscription!
- On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Store
- Check if you’re signed in to the correct Google Account.
- Tap Menu Subscriptions.
- Select the subscription you want to cancel.
- Tap Cancel subscription.
- Follow the instructions.
If you have a subscription with an app and the app gets removed from Google Play, your future subscription will be canceled. Your past subscriptions will not be refunded.
What happens after you cancel
When you cancel a subscription you’ll still be able to use your subscription for the time you’ve already paid.
For example, if you buy a one-year subscription on Jan. 1 for $10 and decide to cancel your subscription on July 1:
- You’ll have access to the subscription until Dec. 31.
- You won’t be charged another yearly subscription of $10 the following Jan.
April 16, 2020